Doug White Legacy Project
Life-Saving Training Initiative
for Integra Firm Members
Join Our Mission to Save Lives - Download Flyer
Integra International would like to support the health and
well-being of its members and colleagues by promoting
lifesaving training and equipment
in business locations worldwide.
Given that our members and colleagues spend a great deal of time in the office, and sometimes under high stress situations, it is imperative that staff have basic first aid training and are equipped to handle an emergency until first responders arrive.
It is also our way of showing that we care, and remember the many contributions of our former global chairman and friend Doug White, who was the heart of our organization.
Are You and Your Staff Prepared?
Integra wants to be sure you are ready when an emergency happens by participating in courses designed to prepare you for real life critical health situations. With training available throughout the world, CPR/AED courses can provide the proper amount of training that can help save a life including your own.
Doug White Memorial Video